The regular observation, testing, sampling, and reporting on a treatment facility to ensure safety and aesthetic qualities. Often includes maintenance, service and repair as required.
To replenish consumables (filters, UV lamps, salt, chlorine, etc.) clean or replace failed or expired parts, and / or adjust equipment settings to optimize the effectiveness of a water treatment process.
Determining the equipment required to make water suitable for it's application. Normally involves the measurement of contaminants such as iron and manganese as well as chemical properties that affect the selection of treatment equipment such as pH, total dissolved solids, and UV transmittance.
The physical installation of the most suitable filter, softener, and/or chemical injection system to correct identified water problems; of the proper size to meet water usage requirements, and in the proper order to ensure the best performance of the equipment.
To take a representative sample in the correct manner so as to ensure the most accuracy of the intended testing.